Miramichi Fishing Report for Thursday, September 14, 2017

Miramichi Fishing Report for Thursday, September 14, 2017
Miramichi Fishing Report for Thursday, September 14, 2017
George with a nice hen he landed on Saturday and Guide Boyd Curtis from Mount Channel. Submitted by Ledges Inn.

MIRAMICHI – A decent splash of water really improved fishing on the weekend, but much more rain is still needed. Striped bass angling should improve as the fish are back in the city area.

Congratulations to this year’s inductees to the Atlantic Salmon Hall of Fame ! (See below)

W. W. Doak and Sons in Doaktown said we had about a foot raise of water which made weekend fishing good. It brought in some fresh salmon and grilse as well. One camp in the Blackville area landed 10 fish. They were also catching fish above Doaktown area. Over all, it was a lot better than last week. Some anglers were beginning to switch to the Fall patterns.

Flies of choice were Glitter Bears, Same-Thing-Murrays, Green Machines, Ally’s Shrimps and General Practitioners.

Andrew Anthony of Ledges Inn in Doaktown and Mountain Channel in the Rapids area said there had been a 14-inch raise in water on the weekend which brought in fresh fish with sea lice, but it had dropped off again with warmer temperatures this week. However, water temperatures remain good. Mountain Channel did very well this past week.

Flies of choice were still the summer patterns in wets such as Green Machines, Bear Hairs, Black Bugs and some Bombers.

Herb Barry Sr. of Herb’s Fly Shop on the Station Road in Blackville said with the raise in water late last week, anglers were getting some fish and seeing lots. The water had come up about a foot, but has pretty well dropped back to what it was, but the temperature remains good. One angler said he saw a big old hook-bill.

Flies of choice were a variety of wets with black in them along with Bombers.

Curtis Miramichi River Outfitting in Blackville said anglers were getting a few, but the weekend with a raise in water had been good. Since then, things had slowed again as the water had dropped off again. There had been a good mix of salmon and grilse. NOTE: The Blackville Bridge is now open again.

Flies of choice were Green Machines with Krystal Flash, Undertakers, Red-butt Bear Hairs, Ally’s Shrimps and General Practitioners on nos. 6 & 8 hooks.

Jim Laws of Miramichi Hunting and Fishing in Newcastle, Miramichi reported a few salmon and grilse caught with the raise in water, but the level was falling back again. Water temps were good. Striped bass were back in Miramichi proper with some being caught at Strawberry Marsh and at Chatham Head. So far most were small.

Flies of choice were Dry Flies and Bombers along with dark wets.

Syd Matchett of Trout Brook Fly Shop on the Northwest Miramichi said fishing was not too bad. There was a salmon caught Saturday and young 12-year-old Carter Bell caught and landed his first ever grilse at the Depot Crown Reserve Stretch. Water levels were back to low again, but temps were good. Any anglers out were at least seeing fish along the system.

Flies of choice were White-tailed Green Machines and lime Green Machines.

Debbie Norton of Upper Oxbow Outdoor Adventures on the Little Southwest Miramichi said with the raise in water on the weekend, they have been doing some catching. On Saturday, an angler from Halifax, NS was into four fish, landing two and losing two. Another angler also landed a fish. On Tuesday there were at least four caught, with other anglers still out when she was contacted. The water had come up about two feet, but had dropped a foot again by Tuesday. However, water temperatures were quite good.

Flies of choice were Green Machines with Krystal Flash and Blue Charms.

So with a little raise in water fishing improved, but with the warmer weather this week, levels had dropped back again. We still need a day or three of steady rain to get the Fall run into gear. Then we can get out and “on the water”.

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Miramichi Fishing Report for Thursday, September 14, 2017

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Doug Underhill
438 McKinnon Road
Miramichi, NB, Canada, E1V 6G2

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Thought for the Week: “..of all the liars among mankind, the fisherman is the most trustworthy.” – William Sherwood Fox, Silken Lines and Silver Hooks, 1954

Miramichi Fishing Report for Thursday, September 14, 2017

Bryant Freeman: ALL THINGS FISHING by Doug Underhill
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438 McKinnon Road
Miramichi, NB
E1V 6G2
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Cover price $19.95
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The Coalition for Better Salmon Management (CBSM) now has a website at salmonnb.com, which has been expanded and updated. It already has a membership over 1,000 and is a major voice for salmon conservation here in New Brunswick.


From The Atlantic Salmon Museum

Miramichi Fishing Report for Thursday, September 14, 2017You Are Invited . . .

Doaktown Curling Club, 29 Prospect Street

Beginning at 4:30 pm with a Meet n’ Mingle and followed by a buffet dinner and the induction ceremony itself, this annual event is always a memorable one that combines a variety of silent, Chinese and live auctions, great food and, in particular, heartfelt tributes to the men and women whose lives have been intertwined with that of the Atlantic salmon.

This year we are delighted to honor seven inductees:

  • TURNIE HOGAN BEEK (Posthumously) of Big Hole Brook, New Brunswick. An outstanding guide, well-known and in much demand at many of the fishing lodges along the Southwest Miramichi for more than 50 years.
  • EDWARD RALPH BEEK (Posthumously) of Big Hole Brook, New Brunswick. Following in his father Turnie’s footsteps, Ralph guided for the Miramichi Anglers Association, Sutters and Betts Kelly Lodge for almost 35 years.
  • JOHN KEITH-KING (Posthumously) of Vancouver, British Columbia. A dedicated angler, a passionate conservationist and, above all, an enthusiastic collector. It is because of him and the Keith-King family that the Atlantic Salmon Museum is now the proud recipient of an extensive collection of sport fishing memorabilia which was presented to us in celebration of Canada’s 150th birthday.
  • JACK LYONS, Tide Head, NB. Like his father before him, Jack is the popular manager of Cold Spring Camp on the Madepedia. His cheerful personality, his warm and caring nature, and above all, his dedication to the preservation of the Atlantic salmon all combine to make him a natural candidate for induction into the Salmon Museum’s Hall of Fame.
  • HUGH “HOOT” SMITH, Hartland, NB. Owner for over 50 years of the Governor’s Table Camp located at the headwaters of the Miramichi just east of Juniper. Designer of the “Hoot Smith Special” salmon fly, he is also a founding member of the Miramichi Headwaters Salmon Federation, the NB Outfitters Association and the NB Wildlife Council, as well as a strong advocate for the Atlantic salmon.
  • GLYNN CONNORS WEAVER (Posthumously), Blissfield, NB. Long associated with the Wasson Bar Camps on the Southwest Miramichi, Glynn was highly regarded for his calm demeanor, his knowledge of the nearby pools, his humor, and the wonderful memories all his anglers took away with them from a day on the river with their favour guide.
  • MAXWELL JOHN VICKERS of Gray Rapids, NB. Head guide and caretaker for Doctor’s Island for over 40 years, Max also found time to assist at Tom Boyd’s Fishing Lodge and later at Country Haven. Max is well-known not only on the Miramichi but also to a host of sportspeople from around the globe, all of whom have shared his passion for the art of salmon fishing.
  • MAXWELL JOHN VICKERS of Gray Rapids, NB. Head guide and caretaker for Doctor’s Island for over 40 years, Max also found time to assist at Tom Boyd’s Fishing Lodge and later at Country Haven. Max is well-known not only on the Miramichi but also to a host of sportspeople from around the globe, all of whom have shared his passion for the art of salmon fishing.

Tickets for the September 23 Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony are now on sale for $75 each (a $40 tax receipt will be issued upon request). Call us with your credit card information and we’ll make sure your tickets are ready and waiting for you at the door “on the night.”

To make reservations or for further information, please contact the Atlantic Salmon Museum at 506-365-7787 or at museum@nbnet.nb.ca.

We look forward to seeing you there!

From Miramichi Salmon Association
Miramichi Fishing Report for Thursday, September 14, 2017
Your monthly resource for MSA conservation updates, Miramichi Watershed Information, upcoming MSA Events and much much more.

Since 1953 the Miramichi Salmon Association (MSA) has worked toward the preservation and enhancement of the wild Atlantic salmon. MSA continues to look to build its membership strength, so we encourage you, if not already a member, to please join our ranks. Join us Now

Vol. 12 Late Summer Edition 2017

2017 Miramichi Salmon Run
by MSA President Mark Hambrook

Miramichi Fishing Report for Thursday, September 14, 2017We experienced another hot and dry summer on the Miramichi in 2017 with very low water levels. Salmon numbers at the DFO index traps for the past week are practically zero each day and this is normal for the end of August. What isn’t so normal is that salmon continued to enter the river in early August when water temperatures were very warm. Historically, the early run of salmon enter the river in late May and it generally slows dramatically in late July when it gets warm and the water levels are low. The run picks up again in September when the temperature begins to cool and the fall run ends by the first of November. Thirty years ago, the early run was much less than the fall run, with the fall run making up 75% of the total run. About 15 years ago the ratio was 50/50 early/late. In the past 5 to 10 years, the fall run makes up only 25% of the total run. If we had a cold spell in August or a good rain, then some of the fall fish would come in at that time. (Photo: MSA President Mark Hambrook measures and weighs adult salmon in South Esk, NB)

But why are they coming in when the water is so warm in the river and it is so much cooler in the salt water? Although we don’t know the answer, the speculation is that they are being driven in by the large numbers of grey seals in Miramichi Bay. Salmon are observed every year in the DFO index traps with large gashes on them that is assumed to be from seals. If the seals harass the salmon enough, then perhaps their survival instincts drive them to tolerate the warmer river water and ascend the river to escape the seals.

The grey seal population has grown in the Gulf of St. Lawrence 30 fold to 125,000 animals and the Canadian Senate has recommended a cull of 70,000 grey seals in the Gulf. That hasn’t happened and a cull will probably never occur considering today’s societal norms. However, there is interest in our First Nation communities to harvest grey seals to use the whole animal for a variety of purposes – meat, blubber for Omega-3 oil and the fur for multiple uses. This approach is the only option that makes sense, but will the grey seal population ever be reduced to a more sustainable level by aboriginal hunting? Lets hope that our First Nation communities can make a success of this endeavor, to have a viable, sustainable seal harvesting industry. To even cap the growth of the seal population would be a tremendous step forward as the pressure on salmon stocks appears to be growing every day and we don’t need any more growth in the grey seal population.

MSA’s 12th Annual Salmon Classic Great Success

Miramichi Fishing Report for Thursday, September 14, 2017The MSA’s annual fishing event was held from July 9th-12th this year and included over 20 participants from the Maritimes and eastern United States as well as over 15 volunteer guides who helped make the event a great success.

This year’s 4 day event kicked off Sunday evening with a whole lobster or chicken dinner followed by small and fun Silent Auction, held at the Miramichi Kinsmen Center. The evening was opened to local MSA supporters and a big thank you goes out to Brian Matheson of Mindful of Food and his excellent servers, as well as our very own Stephen Tonning who once again this year cut and prepped everyone’s lobster! Lunches for the 3 days were provided by Upper Oxbox Outdoor Adventures, the Renous Rec. Center, and finished off as always with a BBQ and facilities tour at the MSA’s hatchery in South Esk. The participants were also treated to a spey casting demonstration by Walt Geryk, AKA the Spey Doctor, after lunch at Upper Oxbow Adventures.

Thank you to all the participants and volunteers for another successful summer event here on the Miramichi Watershed. (Photo: MSA Participant Marc Degautmont, fishing the NW Miramichi)

MSA Partners with NBSC for Fish Friends

Miramichi Fishing Report for Thursday, September 14, 2017With a new school year underway the MSA would like to remind you of the Fish Friends program available to all schools in the province. Last year over the course of three weeks, near the end of the school year, students from local elementary schools said goodbye to some new friends. Several schools participated in the New Brunswick Salmon Council (NBSC) program, “Fish Friends”. Fish Friends is an education and conservation program that provides elementary aged students with a 10-12 week, hands on experience promoting salmon conservation and environmental education. NBSC provides participating classrooms with all the hardware and a curriculum guide full of lots of hands-on activities for the classes to learn about salmon conservation and raising wild fish. Locally, the Miramichi Salmon Association provides eggs for each tank.

In early March, NSPC volunteers assist the teachers with setting up their tanks and delivering the eggs. Each volunteer does a classroom session when the eggs are delivered in mid to late April and is available as a resource throughout the program. Students are responsible for maintaining the tanks and feeding the fry as they grow.

Miramichi Fishing Report for Thursday, September 14, 2017The big day arrives in early June. Students and their fish are bussed to the same watershed that the eggs were obtained from. Teachers distribute the fry to the students and, after a short ‘how to’ chat, the children release their fish into their new homes. After the release, students are offered a BBQ lunch and tour of the facility that their fish came from, provided by MSA.

Hopefully, the students that participate in the program will be part of a generation that knows why clean and healthy rivers and streams are so important to both salmon and people. For more information about Fish Friends head to our website by clicking here!

Spotlight on Betty Fitzpatrick: Avid fisher and motorcyclist

Miramichi Fishing Report for Thursday, September 14, 2017Anyone who has had the wonderful pleasure of meeting Betty Fitzpatrick, will easily know what I mean when I say that there a few other individuals that have such a zest for life. July of this year marked Betty’s 90th Birthday believe it or not and after the invite came and a lot of shock travelled around the MSA and then maybe even some self reflection and amazement at this women’s accomplishments I decided the best idea was to just sit down with Betty to find out the secret to staying so young.

Born in the Chatham Area of Miramichi Betty grew up hunting and fishing with her father, it was their way of life and as an only child she would accompany him on any hunting or fishing trip she could. (Photo: Betty Fitzpatrick ready for an afternoon fish)

To read the rest of the article just click here!

MSA Cold Water Pool Restoration

“Friends of Cold-Water”

Miramichi Fishing Report for Thursday, September 14, 2017Thanks to the financial support generated through this year’s ‘Friends-of Cold-Water’ campaign, the MSA was able to complete its 7th cold-water refuge enhancement project, which is located at the confluence of Salmon Brook and the Cains River. In addition, the MSA has also helped to facilitate an 8th cold-water project located at Hudson Brook on the SW Miramichi. Other recently completed MSA cold-water refuge projects include Donnelly Brook, Indiantown Brook and Doak Brook on the SW Miramichi, Otter Brook and Parks Brook on the LSW Miramichi and Pats Brook on the NW Miramichi (click here for a description of projects).

The MSA’s ‘Friends of Cold-Water’ campaign is a priority ‘in-river’ conservation effort focused on helping our wild Atlantic salmon tolerate and survive the ever-increasing number of stressful and life-threatening warm water events, caused largely by our changing climate. Funds raised through this campaign are used to help finance the restoration and/or enhancement of critically important cold-water refuge habitat that both adult and juvenile fish so desperately need to escape and endure the worst of the summer’s heat.

If you’d like to be a part of this critically important cold-water habitat initiative, please join and support the MSA’s annual “Friends-of-Cold-Water” campaign (click here to read campaign brochure). To make a tax-deductible donation to this campaign, just click below or call 1-506-622-4000.

Click Here to Donate to Cold Water Projects

MSA Field Program Update
by MSA Biologist Kesley McGee

Miramichi Fishing Report for Thursday, September 14, 2017The beginning of July saw the end of our stocking season as the last of our first feeding salmon fry were delivered to satellite rearing tanks at the Miramichi Headwaters Salmon Federation and JD Irving Ltd in Juniper, where they will be held until their release in the fall.

Parks Brook on the Little Southwest Miramichi river has been revisited in order to perform a follow up evaluation, post-construction as part of our cold-water refuge program. Pre-construction temperature profiles were also conducted in Salmon Brook on the Cains river, where we to removed sediment and increase flow conveyance, and in Hudson Brook on the Main Southwest river, where rock tows and deflectors were installed to narrow the brook into a more natural channel. These two cold-water refuge sites will be revisited, post-construction, to evaluate the results of each project. (Photo: MSA Staff measuring juvenile fish for the electrofishing program)

As part of our smolt tracking partnership program with ASF data collected this past year is currently being analyzed and the results will be available later this year. Beaver dams have been removed from Doak Brook and it will continue to be monitored for activity. Our electrofishing program is underway with focus on areas upstream of beaver dams that were removed in the 2016 field season and to also follow up on our stocking sites from the spring of 2016 and 2017.

Fredericton Conservation Dinner to Honour Kenmore Fishing Club

Miramichi Fishing Report for Thursday, September 14, 2017Come out and join your fellow MSA supporters as we honour the Kenmore Fishing Club at the 22nd Annual MSA Fredericton Dinner, being held Thursday, September 21st at the Fredericton Inn. This well desired recognition is being awarded in appreciated for the many years of generous support both the Club and its individual members have given to the cause of salmon conservation. Reserve your ticket(s) today by e-mailing kate@miramichisalmon.ca or calling the MSA at 506-622-4000. (Photo – packed room at 2016 Fredericton Dinner)

Jake Allen’s Program 34 Inc.

Miramichi Fishing Report for Thursday, September 14, 2017This year the MSA was one of the lucky organizations that benefited from Jake Allen’s Program 34 Inc. Golf Tournament held earlier this summer. Jake is an avid fisherman who not only chose the MSA as one of this years beneficiaries but he also donates to a number of the MSA’s fundraising dinners. As an example, this years Fredericton Dinner will again include an opportunity for an adult and youth to fish with Jake for a full morning, followed by a private lunch with the superstar. The MSA would like to thank Jake and Program 34 for the generous donations and wish him luck in the coming year! (Photo: Jake Allen presents $5000 check to MSA Director of Development & Communications Stephen Tonning)


Renew your Membership today!

Don’t forget to renew your 2017 Membership with the MSA. If you haven’t received your MSA Membership Card, Calendar, Annual Report and MSA Decal then you’re missing out!


Upcoming MSA Events You Don’t Want to Miss
MSA’s 22nd Annual Fredericton Conservation Dinner- Fredericton, NB Thursday September 21st, 2017
16th Annual MSA/ASF Autumn Run Dinner- Saint John, NB- October 25th, 2017
MSA’s 4th Annual Carleton County Conservation Dinner- Hartland, NB November 9th, 2017

Still not a member of the Miramichi Salmon Association?

Membership in the MSA is the perfect way to express your passion and support for the Miramichi River, for the Atlantic salmon who make it their home, and for the vital work being done by the MSA to protect and conserve both for today and tomorrow!

Click here to sign up today!

If You’re Not Already Receiving The Leaper Automatically Sign Up Here

From Atlantic Salmon Federation:

Atlantic Salmon Federation News
Friday, Sept. 8, 2017

ASF RIVERNOTES – Here be Monsters –
ASF RIVERNOTES takes a look at the latest big fish of the Alta, and Urban Salmon Angling in Inverness – plus end of August fish counts and last week’s “forced retention” period on a single river in Newfoundland – which happens to be in a national park.

Political inconsistency in Newfoundland
An excellent letter pointing out the government’s differing positions on safeguarding wild salmon.

When Regulation is not Enforced by Government
A story out of Washington State on the lack of teeth in regulation of salmon farms, based on documentation.

How Escapes Should be Handled
An excellent website, put up by the State of Washington, is focused on the Puget Sound escape. Shoud it be a blueprint for the Atlantic coast?

The same site has a superb “live” map of where the escaped salmon are showing up. Shows how far and how fast they travel, with some found NW of Tofino, BC and not far from Powell River.

ASF Research Blog
A new student addition from Rennes, France joins the ASF team for a practicum in working with wild Atlantic salmon

PEI Wildlife Group Invents New Fish Ladder
An interesting prefabricated metal fish ladder is now installed on a PEI river. Check out the description of this unique structure.

To keep track of breaking news on wild Atlantic salmon, use the Atlantic Salmon Federation’s presence on Facebook. Log in, search for Atlantic Salmon Federation, and click “like”.

From The Atlantic Salmon Museum

Miramichi Fishing Report for Thursday, September 14, 2017The MSA would like to remind you that there is

The 22nd Annual MSA Fredericton Dinner
Thursday, September 21st, 2017 at the Fredericton Inn
Kenmore Fishing Club

Always a fun and sociable evening, this dinner event has become the MSA’s flagship fundraising function, with great raffles, Silent Auction and a Live Auction offering many great fishing trips & on-the-town entertaining experiences, assorted fly-fishing gear and many unique one-of-a-kind sporting collectables.
Tickets: $100 per person / $1200 for Conservation Table / $1500+ Sponsorship Table

Anyone wishing to report suspicious fishing activity anonymously is asked to contact the nearest Fisheries and Oceans Canada office or to call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477

Until next week

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