Canadian Cancer Society’s Relay For Life 2018 in Grand Falls

 Canadian Cancer Society’s Relay For Life 2018 in Grand Falls

 Canadian Cancer Society’s Relay For Life 2018 in Grand Falls

The Canadian Cancer Society’s Relay For 2018 in Grand Falls will be held at the John Caldwell School, 130 Victoria Street in Grand Falls from 6pm to 12am midnight on Saturday, September 15th, 2018. 

The Canadian Cancer Society Relay For Life is a nationwide event that brings communities together to celebrate survivors, honour those we’ve lost and commit to raising funds to fight all types of cancer.

Every year, the enthusiasm and support from approximately 100,000 passionate participants means we can continue to make the most impact, against the most cancers across the country!

Cancer changes everything. So can you.

With nearly 1 in 2 Canadians expected to be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime, we all have a reason to take action.

Relay For Life brings people of all ages together to raise funds to help Canada’s brightest researchers discover breakthroughs that could save lives, and ensure vital support services are available so that no one will have to face cancer alone.

The participation of every person, team and community helps us work towards a world where no one has to fear cancer.

For more information, or to register as a survivor or team, contact Douglas “Doug” Couture at  (506) 333-3280 or email:

Find the event on Facebook at: and also on the web at: or

Be sure to also visit the Canadian Cancer Society’s website at:

and “View” and “Like” on Facebook at:

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