Senior Goodwill Ambassadors Appointed

Thirty senior goodwill ambassadors have been appointed to engage seniors, their families and communities in supporting wellness, active living and independence for seniors in New Brunswick.

“Our senior goodwill ambassadors are dedicated volunteers who participate in community events or programs to promote inclusion and healthy aging,” said Seniors and Long-Term Care Minister Lisa Harris. “They work to promote age-friendly communities and grow the Wellness Movement. They have an important ‘healthy’ message to share with our province’s aging population.”

Senior goodwill ambassadors are residents aged 60 years or older. They are appointed for a two-year term and may re-apply for more than one term. They participate in activities to influence a senior’s capacity to make healthy choices through conversations, public presentations, workshops, conferences or attendance at community or wellness events.

The program celebrates its 25th anniversary this year.

Individuals who have been appointed by county for 2016-18 include:

  • Beverly Jacobson, Carleton;
  • Sylvia Humphries, Charlotte;
  • Gale Babin, Gloucester;
  • J-Paul Dubé, Gloucester;
  • Mary Perry, Gloucester;
  • Linda Sherbo, Kings;
  • Paul Taylor, Kings;
  • Della Webster, Kings;
  • Georges-Henri Levesque, Madawaska;
  • Bernard “Bunny” Dempsey, Northumberland;
  • Delpha LeBreton, Northumberland;
  • June Harquail, Restigouche;
  • Brian Boudreau, Saint John;
  • Roberta Gardner, Saint John;
  • Carol Polley, Saint John;
  • Deanna Vlug, Saint John;
  • Lesley Brennan-Caravan, Sunbury;
  • Helen Ladouceur, Sunbury;
  • Rose-Marie Robichaud, Sunbury;
  • Jeanne Brideau, Westmorland;
  • Scott Cooling, Westmorland;
  • Kim Lotherington, Westmorland;
  • Jean Paul Morel, Westmorland;
  • Anne Theriault, Westmorland;
  • Yves Boutot, York;
  • Angus Hamilton, York;
  • Sandra Jamieson, York;
  • Malcolm MacFarlane, York;
  • Himanshu Kumar Mukherjee, York; and
  • Eileen Malone, York.

Individuals or organizations interested in benefiting from the services of these ambassadors may contact the wellness branch of the Department of Social Development at 506-453-4217.

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